Monday, August 24, 2009

old timer

August contest was "japanese showa period personality" some time ago arround the 50's

It was dificult for me to pick a model for this contest because i was lacking in refrences on the showa period but eventually i chose to draw the film maker Akira Kurosawa.

The first contact i had of the japanese culture was through Kurosawa's movies that i really enjoyed watching so i couldn't think of a better candidate.

1 comment:

  1. Salut Giu !
    Je vois que tu n'as pas arreté de dessiner, good for you ! J'aime bien tes caricatures.
    Je suis content d'avoir retrouvé ta trace (vive internet !), ça fait un moment que je cherchais.
    Si tu repasses par la France un de ces quatre, fais-moi signe. Voici mon contact:
    ça fait un bail...
