Saturday, September 26, 2009

"the beat" goes on

contest of the month.
I wish i could have spent more time on this one because these fellas are not that easy to draw.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

body situation

here are a couple of drawings i did this week at the Enoshima aquarium.
You won't have any problem to guess who inspires me for my body and sea creature live sketch...i dig his style hope he doesn't mine.
enjoy it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

live sketch update

REJECT: this blonde lady first had a great impact looking at my drawing, rolling around on the ground laughing out load but after reaching back her senses she said "am i that ugly".
you tell me...

the following drawings are from satisfied customers.

When you get the feeling that you are going nowhere and you are loosing in creativity, posting live sketch always helps to break through this period of doubt.

Usually i don't take it personal when i get a reject drawing but i sometime wonder what went wrong as i still have a lot to learn about caricature, so today i took some pictures of my art work retail style and decided to post it hoping to get some feed back comments to figure out what i could improve and skill up.

So please feel free.